6030 South Wood street 60636 is in Chicago’s West Englewood neighborhood. 6030 S. Wood is a 3 bed and 1 bath single family home with approximately 1,320 sq. ft. Built in 1900, 6030 south Wood st 60636 has a lot of about 3,100 sq ft. including a detached single car garage and a full unfinished basement.
*This 3 bed, 1 bath West Englewood single family home is not currently for sale through URB Inc.*
Schools: 6030 South Wood in Chicago’s West Englewood neighborhood is served by Otoole Elementary, Gage Park High School, and Hope College Prep High School.
Local Area: 6030 South Wood Street 60636 is located in Chicago, IL’s West Englewood neighborhood. West Englewood is known for their 2-flat, 3-flat, and 4-flat apartment buildings for sale as well as single family homes similar to 6030 S. Wood.

How do I sell my West Englewood house as is? URB Chicago will show you how.
When you have a distressed or vacant property for sale it can be disheartening. “How do I sell my West Englewood house as is?” is a question we hear often. The fact is URB Chicago is one of the most trusted fast cash companies in Chicago who pays cash for your West Englewood home in as is condition. So, to answer the question, contacting URB Chicago is your first step when you want to know, how do I sell my West Englewood house as is.
Selling a Chicago south side or west side house that has been in your family for years can be difficult. You may have attachments to your West Englewood home for sale. You may wonder if selling your house for fast cash in as is condition is the right thing to do. The truth is, that decision is up to you. For our part, URB Chicago is dedicated to making your decision a comfortable one.
URB Chicago can provide you with an on the spot cash offer for your West Englewood house, or a cash offer within 24 hours. You have time and we have the patience to wait for you to accept the offer. Once accepted many West Englewood houses for sale can close in as little as seven days. To make things a little less stressful we take care of all closing fees and you don’t need to worry about repairing damage, water leaks, structural problems or even painting touch-ups.
When you want to know, how do I sell my West Englewood house as is, start by calling URB Chicago and we’ll step you through our easy process.