Selling a house as is helping to heat up the market for sellers in Chicago with selling prices increasing more than they have since before the 2008 recession. 

A lot of sellers are trying to make the most of these increases by investing in major renovations before listing. The problem is that not all of these renovations pay off–and more importantly, they can take a long time to complete.

What can you do if you’re interested in selling a house as is in Chicago right now? What are your options and how can you make sure that your house sells ASAP?

If you’re wondering, “Can I sell my home as is?” you’ve come to the right place. The answer is a resounding yes, and we’re going to tell you how.

Understand the Laws of Selling a House As Is

A lot of people think that they can get away with asking for a little more as long as prospective buyers don’t recognize every issue their property currently has. Not only is this unlikely, given that most buyers are going to consult a home inspector, but its also illegal.

Up until 1994, Illinois homeowners weren’t required to disclose information about their property’s condition when listing. However, the law was changed in order to protect buyer’s interests and investments. 

So, what do you have to disclose? Sellers are required by law to disclose any issues that could impact health or property value that they are aware of. This isn’t a huge deal, but it is something you’re going to want to keep in mind if you’re considering listing your home for sale on the traditional market.

Weigh the Options of Working With an Agent

Some real estate experts will suggest that when you’re selling as is, you should work with an agent who knows how to sell a less-than-ideal property. The idea behind this is that they’ll be able to get your house off the market faster and maybe even get you a little more money.

The reality is that working with an agent doesn’t guarantee that you’re going to sell faster. At the end of the day, not all agents know how to find buyers who are looking for as is properties. 

As far as a higher closing price goes, you may not get as much money as you’re expecting. When you ask a real estate agent to handle sales, you’re going to have to pay them a commission fee. That means that even if your agent manages to tack on a few thousand dollars extra on that closing price, you’re going to owe them more money–which means less money for you.

Decide On a Sales Timeline

Selling a house as is on the traditional market tends to take several months. If you’ve ever paid attention to your local listings, you may have noticed that “fixer-uppers” and auction homes tend to linger longer than move-in ready homes. 

It’s also worth noting that even when you’re selling as is on the traditional market, you’re usually going to need to do some preliminary cleaning. That’s right, selling as is on the traditional market can spare you the renovations, but most of the buyers you encounter will still expect that you declutter and clean before they take over.

If you have an indeterminate amount of time to spare, you can give the traditional market a shot. However, if you’re looking for a faster sale, you’re going to want to go a different route. Circumstances that could make you may want to sell faster include:

  • Impending foreclosures
  • Building code violations
  • Inherited properties you don’t want to keep
  • Increasing mortgage rates
  • Ownership of abandoned properties
  • Sudden change in financial circumstances
  • Rental properties with problem tenants

If you aren’t in a position to take wait several months (or even years) to sell your home, keep reading. We have the perfect solution for you. 

Get Ready to Move

Are you planning to sell your house quickly? If so, your next big step is to get ready to move (assuming you currently live on the property). 

Whether you’re moving your belongings into a new home or putting everything in storage temporarily, selling your home as is allows you to focus on the move. The good news about selling your home as is our way is that you do not need to spend days decluttering, cleaning, or focusing on minor upgrades like repainting. 

Contact Us at URB Chicago

Chances are that if you made it this far, it’s because the traditional market is not worth your time or effort. We’re happy to tell you that there’s another option. 

At URB Chicago, we buy houses in any state. That means that when we say we’ll buy your property as is, we really mean it. No matter how much cleaning or renovating your property needs, we’re prepared to buy it–and we can close the deal in as little as seven days.

To make matters even better, we’re prepared to pay in cash. You read that right! We can take your property off your hands in a week and pay you in full right away. 

Selling a House As Is Can Be Fast and Easy With URB Chicago

The Chicago real estate market may be heating up, but a lot of sellers are making massive investments in hopes of driving up their property value. Where does that leave sellers who are interested in selling a house as is?

With URB Chicago, you can truly sell your house as is in as little as one week. All you need to do is tell us about your property and we’ll give you an offer right away. If you like our offer, we’re ready to close and give you cash in full.

What are you waiting for? Contact us today so that we can take your Chicago property off of your hands–no commission, no closing fees, and no cleanup or renovation necessary.