Hegewisch Chicago is one of the city’s hidden neighborhoods that sits on the southeast side and borders near the edge of the Indiana state line.

Hegewisch Chicago

Hegewisch Chicago Neighborhood Plan

The Hegewisch Business Association is working with the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning to develop a neighborhood plan for Hegewisch that will help guide choices and decisions that are made in the future.

The plan will primarily focus on how to make Baltimore Avenue a vibrant place where people want to be, the center of life in Hegewisch. It will identify feasible economic development opportunities, as well as smart streetscape and placemaking strategies, that will help Baltimore Avenue reach its potential.

The plan will also find ways to make it easier and more pleasant for residents to take transit, and recommend ways to make the neighborhood better for pedestrians and biking, including strengthening the connection between Baltimore Avenue and recreational areas around Wolf Lake.

To ensure that the plan’s recommendations reflect the community’s priorities and vision for the neighborhood’s future, community engagement will be an essential component of the planning process.

Source: Chicago Metropolitan Agency For Planning