We buy Chicago Lawn houses in Chicago for Cash

Selling your Chicago Lawn Chicago house for cash to URB is Easy

We buy Chicago Lawn houses and other properties in Chicago zip codes 60629 and 60636 in any condition.

URB will buy your house for cash in as-is condition, and there are No Hidden Fees and No Commissions!

Do you owe back taxes, have building code violations, or even tenants? No Problem.


Call (224) 601-0218

or use our
Fair Cash Offer Form

We buy houses in Chicago Lawn Chicago for cash in any condition

Our as is condition fast cash offers on houses mean you don’t need to do anything to fix up your property. You don’t need to clean, repair the damage, or even do lawn maintenance. Buying in as is condition helps you move easily and URB Chicago to buy your house quickly.

We buy Chicago Lawn Chicago properties for sale and when you contact us we can provide a fair market fast cash offer for your house in as fast as 24 hours. That means, for many Chicago homeowners we can close on your Chicago Lawn house in as fast as 7 days.

Chicago Lawn has some great houses, but your house shouldn’t cost you money when you need to sell your Chicago Lawn house fast. Contact URB Chicago today because we buy houses in Chicago Lawn and other great Chicago neighborhoods such as Back of the Yards, South Chicago, West Garfield Park, Englewood, and more. We are the trusted fast cash home buying company in Chicago and we want to buy your Chicago Lawn house in as fast as 7 days.

URB, inc. [URB Chicago] is not affiliated with or sponsored by HomeVestors of America, Inc., and is not associated with the “We Buy Ugly Houses” Chicago trademark.